Tag Archives: Dr. Sears

Info: Babywearing


When I was pregnant, I envisioned a baby who lies quietly in his crib, watching the world go by. He would be cooing and smiling at the cute mobile dangling from the crib, entertaining himself while I go about my household chores, run on the treadmill to get rid of the baby fat, cook, eat or watch TV. From time to time I’d look to see how he’s doing, if he’d fallen asleep or if his diapers need changing. He’d only need to be picked up during bathing and feeding time, or when I feel like playing with him. This wasn’t just wishful thinking – this was exactly how my nephew spent his first few months of his life. He’d literally protested when picked up from his bed and preferred to be left alone. When he was bigger, my brother and his wife just put Baby Einstein DVDs on in front of him and left him in the room – he ended up learning his letters as well as hand signals all on his own when he was about two years old.

Unfortunately, the baby I gave birth to had an entirely different idea. Read the rest of this entry