Monthly Archives: November 2010

Week 15 & 16: Getting There


We had our regular check up again the other day. We could see the tiny peanut at 10.27 cm and weighing 189 grams. It’s a minuscule human being! The books said that by this time the baby will have developed eyebrows and eyelashes, and that the eyes are able to make side-to-side movements and can perceive some light even though the eyelids are still sealed. It is also making breathing movements and can wiggle its fingers and toes.

Aside from the regular check-ups where we can actually see the baby through the ultrasound, I hardly ever notice that I’m pregnant – except for the facts that I haven’t had a period since June and there is a slight bump in my tummy. Particularly now that I don’t feel like throwing up every 10 minutes anymore. Is this how it’s supposed to feel? I guess I better enjoy it while I can, before I can feel the kicks and before I grow too big to see my own toenails. Read the rest of this entry

Week 14 – Looking Forward


The nausea is getting better I think, but it’s definitely still present. I try whatever Experienced Mom, the books and Google suggested: Ginger crackers in the morning before getting out of bed, green tea, ginger candy, young raw mangoes, salty preserved fruits.. nothing seems to work for me so the best thing I can do is just to ignore it with a stiff upper lip. Hubby’s special infusion seems like the best thing, even if the calming effect only lasts for 1-2 hours. Sweet stuff is a big no-no (except for fruits), while savory is good.. namely, ham and cheese croissant. Read the rest of this entry