Monthly Archives: January 2011

Week 24 – what’s all the hype about 4D ultrasound?


After the new year, we went to the obgyn again for our monthly checkup. The cheerful doctor did an ultrasound and found the baby to be healthy and thriving, at 761 grams he slightly above average weight (oops). From the charts I am expected to see exponential growth rate from now on, which for me is weird because I haven’t developed any increase in appetite. Who knows.. maybe this coming weeks I’ll start to gorge myself.

In fact, these days I don’t feel like eating at all. We spent Christmas in my hometown where we had too much to eat for five days in a row. Afterwards came the New Year celebration, friends visiting, hangout sessions etc that all resulted in too much food. We found out that being hungry once in a while is better than being too full all the time!

I told the doctor that I had developed itchiness and rashes on my palms and soles which were a bit annoying, especially at night. Pregnancy books and Google search said this might be because of hormonal changes (again the hormones are to blame!). The doctor didn’t let me take any oral medication, but after a few days and a few traditional ointments later the itch went away. Read the rest of this entry

Week 23 – A New Perspective


Into the 23rd week, changes still happen. I’m starting to wear maternity clothes (mostly hand-me-downs from friends, why bother buying new ones to wear only for a few months?). I swear my tummy gets bigger every day. Nipple cream has joined my daily bodycare regime. I have a nagging pain on my lower back. I can feel the baby moving every so often. Most of all, I am scared shitless of what the labor would be like. Because I’ve always had painful periods, I imagined that labor would be 1,000 times worse. I’m scared of what the delivery would do to my body. Will I be permanently damaged?

I tried to tell myself that millions of women go through this experience every year, some with complications. Recent newspaper article said that in Indonesia alone, 4.5 million babies were born in 2010, more than the total population of Singapore (proof that the Government has neglected the once very successful Family Planning campaign). Even with my discomforts, my pregnancy can be considered easy and uneventful, so why should I worry so much? But still, everytime I read about the late stage of pregnancy or the labor phases, I freaked out. I realised that I was just enduring this pregnancy while being really apprehensive about the coming labor. Read the rest of this entry

Second Trimester – what’s going on


During the second trimester (14 – 28 weeks), the nausea and tiredness are usually gone or at least getting better. You start to look pregnant because of the thickening waistline and the noticeable bump. You start to wear maternity clothes cos none of your normal clothes fit anymore. Emotional ups and downs may lessen in intensity, although it differs from woman to woman. Energy level should be back up again, plus there is the “glow” caused by increased blood circulation that makes mom look more attractive.

Although the second trimester is said to be the most enjoyable time of the whole pregnancy, some discomforts are still present. These are the common things to experience: Read the rest of this entry