Monthly Archives: September 2010

The serious bits – info on the first trimester pregnancy


How the pregnancy is calculated

The number of weeks that you are pregnant is determined from the first day of your last period. Conception is predicted to occur in week 2 when women are most fertile, and the baby is due to arrive in 40 weeks (although often this is not the case). The easiest way to calculate the estimated due date is to substract three months from the first day of your last period, then add seven days. For example, the first day of my last period was July 26. Minus three months it’s April 26, and plus 7 days it’s 2 May. Read the rest of this entry

Week 8 – Second Obgyn visit


We’re supposed to do monthly checkup with the obgyn, but we had so many questions and so many conflicting answers from friends, family and Google that we decided to book another appointment with the doctor only two weeks after the first. My cheery doctor did another vaginal ultrasound and confirmed that the fetus was indeed a single embryo – thank God, because there is NO WAY in hell I would be able to cope with two or more babies at one time. He also confirmed that the embryo was located in the uterus, where it should be – not wandering around aimlessly like what I’m prone to do with my poor sense of direction. Read the rest of this entry

Week 7 – Getting Used To The Idea


Told my closest friends but asked them not to spread the news yet. Also told our families.

My mom was so happy, she even giggled like a schoolgirl on the phone. She’s been wanting us to have kids ever since I listened to her subsequent nagging to get a boyfriend, get married and build a house.. which proved you should never listen to your parents cos they have endless unreasonable demands. Of course, if my kid ever read this blog, he/she would know better and listen to mommy AT ALL TIMES. Read the rest of this entry

Week 6 – How It All Began.


home pregnancy testI’m one of those annoying meticulous people who keeps tabs on her period. So I knew it was near the time for my August period, and I even had the usual symptoms of stomach cramps, back pain and loss of appetite. Except the date of my supposed period came and went, but nothing happened. I didn’t think too much of it because after all it’s only a rough estimation. Normally during this time of the month I consumed a lot of chocolate, so out of habit I bought my favourite fruits-and-nuts chocolate fix. But I gagged after the first bite. What on earth? Did I buy a rotten chocolate? Nope, I checked the expiry date and it was fine, plus the chocolate wasn’t moldy or anything. Hmmm.

Read the rest of this entry