Week 17 & 18: The Monster is Awaken


It’s official now – none of my pants fit. I wore my favorite khaki shorts the other day and found that I couldn’t clasp the hook, so I just zipped it up and let the upper part hanging. This nearly caused an embarassing accident as the zipper went down on its own, but thankfully I managed to catch it before the pants left my waist. It’s funny how I haven’t gained a lot of weight but everything seems to be concentrated on the waist and butt area, it’s like my body is preparing a cushion for the tiny parasite in my tummy.

I went to Bandung and Jakarta recently where I bought the dreaded maternity shorts, with extra waist and elastics. All my normal clothes now occupy the obscure corner in my closet while maternity clothes take over. I didn’t buy many clothes because Single Mom gave me a lot of hand-me-downs, which I’m totally okay with since I won’t be wearing them forever. These days I exist with tank tops and shorts, it’s so bloody hot here!

Now I can see clearly that I’m pregnant: there is a growing bump in my stomach. Movements that include bending and leaning over get a bit difficult these days, which makes grooming my dogs also harder. But I try to keep active and exercise whenever I could, often this consists of walking one of the dogs on the beach or around the neighborhood. I hope that by keeping active I’ll sustain a healthy weight gain and not turn to Jabba The Hut kind of mom with flabby everything.

Everyone I met asks me if I have any cravings. Honestly I don’t know what the definition of craving is. If it’s a sudden desire for a particular food, then I’ve been having cravings for the past five years… because I always want something. Even though I still have this metallic taste in my mouth and nausea every now and then, I start to think of food more often. In fact, I think about food now just like before I got pregnant. But if I wake up in the middle of the night with a grumbling stomach, I still chose to go back to sleep rather than eat 🙂 I also don’t get cranky or make hubby go out in the middle of the night to buy whatever – just use common sense, if the food you want is not available then there is nothing you can do isn’t it? I guess it’s all in your mind. Often I want food that are unhealthy, but I chose to stick to my healthy diet, eat every four hours, cook whenever I can and have plenty of fruits available at home.

Having said that…. what’s with this sudden addiction to Magnum? I’ve ate three last week. Good thing this week I seem to lost the appetite.

My point is, it’s all about options that you make. I don’t believe the excuse of “this is what the baby wants to eat”. The thing is just being developed in your body, how could it actually WANT fries with mayo or a bucket of Tom and Jerry’s or whatever you “crave” for? You can either follow your crazy whims or make a conscious decision to eat something healthy instead. I’m lucky because I have a supportive hubby who helps me make all the right choices.

I cannot stress enough that spouses are an important part of the pregnancy. No matter how strong I think I might be, during the past few months I’m a complete bundle of mess and cannot handle the simplest task. I get tired easily, I get grumpy, I break down often. Hubby is my support system, my solid rock. He makes sure I take my daily vitamins, he makes me ginger tea when I’m nauseaous, he fusses about what food I should eat, he takes me to every doctor’s appointment. He even reads the What To Expect book. He says I don’t look hideous with my thick waist and arse. How can I ask for a better husband?

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